No Mandurah trains for afternoon commute
Mandurah Line trains are not expected to resume operations in time to get commuters home this afternoon.
Services have been disrupted since about 12.25pm when there was a fault in the overhead power line just south of Murdoch Station. It is not known at this stage what caused the problem.
Replacement buses are running between Perth and Rockingham and trains are operating between Rockingham and Mandurah. Because patronage numbers are greatly reduced as a result of the holiday season, no significant problems have emerged.
It is hoped that normal services will be restored by about 9pm, in time to deliver Mandurah Line patrons to their New Year’s Eve festivities and home again in the early hours of tomorrow morning.
The Joondalup Line is running between Clarkson and Esplanade Station with services adjusted to a 15-minute frequency.
The other lines are unaffected.