Accessing the PTA Passenger Rail Reserve, Freight Rail Corridor, and PTA land
The PTA is responsible for protecting the integrity of the state’s passenger and freight rail networks and infrastructure. The PTA is also required to ensure strict safety practices are in place for works in and around the rail corridors.
As such, entities who seek to commence works in, or adjacent to, rail corridor land must apply for permission to undertake works and for access to the corridor.
Access to the Rail Corridor and working near the PTA’s infrastructure and assets is only permitted once the PTA is satisfied that adequate safety precautions are in place. Once the PTA has approved such access, all relevant legislation and regulations are complied with.
Our Third-Party Access team manages the application process and can assist with the following:
- Requests to enter for utility providers, Local Government Areas, Councils, individuals, and companies doing intrusive and/or non-intrusive works.
- New rail siding connections
- Road and rail interfaces such as private level crossings, pedestrian crossings, principal shared path
- Building near or next to the railway
Application process:
All applications and queries to be submitted to the PTA Third-Party Access team at
Depending on the location and type of works being undertaken the application process will differ. The following information needs to be provided with applications.
Passenger Network:
- Procedure is for Third Parties, including PTA Project Managers managing Third Parties, who want to gain access into or work on or near the PTA’s rail corridor, infrastructure or assets - 8810-450-003 - Working In and Around the PTA Rail Corridor, Assets and Infrastructure – 2023
- Telecommunication Third Parties who wish to share/use, access and work near PTA’s infrastructure and facilities - 8003-000-001 - Guidelines for Third Party Communication Facilities on Public Transport Authority Land or Assets
- PTA Procedure 8810-450-001 Procedure – Utility Crossing(s) under Future and Existing Rail Reserve
- Permit to enter (P2E) to access PTA Facilities & Infrastructure branch-controlled assets, including buildings, platforms, equipment, or services for PTA Internal Departments, PTA Project Contractors, and External Contractors.
- 8910-150-001 - Access and Issuing of Permits to Enter (P2E) for the Urban Network
- Guideline – WebEOC Permit to Enter – Contractor Guide
- PTA Document: 9100-000-007 – Safeworking Rules and Procedures
- 8103-000-004 PTA Guideline Safety Management Plan Working on PTA Property
These documents can be accessed through the PTA Vendor Communications Portal.
Freight Network:
The Freight Rail Network infrastructure is owned by the PTA but leased to and operated by Arc Infrastructure under the Network Lease Agreement. Therefore, any access to the Corridor Land, including the installation or maintenance of utility services such as gas, power, water, and telecommunications under, over, or alongside the Freight Rail Corridor, must be submitted for approval.
Depending on application complexity processing can require a minimum of 4 to 6 months to be finalised. This should be allowed for in any project planning.