Premier reveals design for stadium footbridge
The State Government has today unveiled the winning design for the pedestrian bridge which will provide sports fans with a chance to walk to the new stadium from the city.
Premier Colin Barnett said the $54.12 million steel cable-stay bridge would become a new landmark in Perth.
Mr Barnett said the winning design - similar to a suspension bridge - was highly distinctive and chosen by an expert panel, headed by bridge engineer and former Governor Ken Michael.
“This design will deliver the best outcome for West Australians visiting the stadium precinct. It has clearly delivered on the State’s design and construction guidelines. Some people will look at the design and see swans, others will see a Wagyl taking shape or a dolphin - and that’s perfect for this river environment,” he said.
The Premier said fans walking across the bridge together would enjoy a similar sense of camaraderie as fans in places such as Melbourne when they walked together between the MCG and the city.
“Can you imagine the atmosphere here on match days with thousands of spectators in their scarves and hats, chattering together, all in this very special picturesque setting?” he said.
Transport Minister Dean Nalder said contract negotiations had been finalised between the Government and the successful tenderers, joint venture York Rizzani De Eccher, to design and construct the bridge.
The bridge will be 65 metres at its highest point and stretch 400m from bank to bank, with a steel cable-stay span of 160m at its centre. Only two piers will be driven into the river bed to respect the area’s heritage and minimise the impact on the river.
“This bridge is integral to our transport plan to move people between the new Perth Stadium on the Burswood Peninsula and East Perth on event and non-event days,” Mr Nalder said.
Fact File
- The bridge and nearby areas will be subject to a rigorous management plan to be developed with the stadium operator, when appointed
- It will connect to bus stands on Nelson Avenue on event days to move stadium patrons away from East Perth’s residential area. Free shuttle buses will take fans into the CBD, providing access to more than 40,000 existing car bays
- The new Perth Stadium will open in time for the start of the 2018 AFL season
- For more information, visit