Trains services back to normal
Trains services have resumed on the Mandurah and Joondalup lines.
Normal operations services resumed shortly before 11am after being disrupted for more than an hour when clouds of foul-smelling smoke forced the evacuation of Perth Underground and Esplanade Stations.
The alarm was raised and trains on the two lines halted around 9.50am.
Two Mandurah trains which were stranded near the Narrows Bridge were allowed to come into Esplanade Station, from where the passengers were evacuated.
Services on the Joondalup Line resumed after about 20 minutes, with trains running into and out of Perth Station. On the Mandurah Line, trains coming up from the south were turned at Cockburn Central, and replacement buses ran between Cockburn and Perth.
FESA attended and checked both stations and the connecting tunnel before giving the all-clear around 10.50am.
The source of the smoke is not known but it is thought to have come from off-site and be completely unrelated to railway operations.