The Public Transport Authority is investing in Perth’s future rail transport needs with a major upgrade of its radio system.
Unlike the analogue system, which only allows audio (i.e. voice) transmissions, the new digital system will also allow for the transmission of data, which is becoming increasingly important for train operations. It will also provide increased reliability and flexibility, allowing for a more efficient rail network and supporting plans for future expansion.
The new digital radio system will consist of fixed infrastructure (radio masts) at various locations across the rail network. All radio devices in trains, security vehicles and handheld radios for mobile staff will also be replaced with new digital-friendly equipment. Radio consoles used by control centre personnel will be replaced.
A contract has been awarded to Nokia Solutions and Networks Australia to be the technology provider for the new digital radio system. Australia for the design, construction and maintenance of the technology part of the digital radio system. Separate contracts will be awarded for the provision of the fixed civil and electrical infrastructure to support the technology.