Three NightRider bus services for Northbridge
Three Transperth NightRider bus services will help ease taxi queues in Northbridge on Saturday nights and Sunday Mornings, starting next Sunday, December 24 at 12.30am.
Planning and Infrastructure Minister Alannah MacTiernan said the distinctively decorated buses would provide hourly services on three routes for a standard $5 fare.
The services were:
- The Scarborough Beach Road NightRider (Route 680) turns right into Roe Street and goes via (right) Fitzgerald Street, (left) Carr Street, (right) Charles Street, (left) Scarborough Beach Road to a terminus at Scarborough Beach.
- The Beaufort Street NightRider (Route 683) left into Roe Street and goes via (left at) Beaufort Street/Broun Avenue/Walter Road East to a terminus on Walter Rd East after Beechboro Rd North.
- The Canning Highway NightRider (Route 697) turns left into Roe Street and then via (right at) the Barrack Street bridge, (left) Wellington Street, (right) Plain Street, (left) Hay St/Causeway bus lane (stopping to set down at Victoria Park Transfer Station), (left) Canning Highway/Queen Victoria Street, (right) Parry Street, (left) Elder Place to Fremantle Train Station - this service integrates with the Fremantle NightRider.
The first hourly service on each route would leave from Milligan St, between James and Roe Streets at 12.30am and the last at 4.30am.
“With help from the City of Perth we are providing this service as an alternative way for Perth’s partygoers to get home safely,” Ms MacTiernan said.
“Transperth has selected the three routes after examining the results of a survey of late night taxi customers, by the City of Perth.
“Northbridge revellers can also use train services which run at 1am and 2am on Sunday mornings.
“As they can with the successful NightRiders already operating from Fremantle, passengers will be able to alight anywhere along the route.
“Our aim is to complement the service offered by the city’s taxi fleet when demand is at its highest.
“Each bus will have security video cameras and carry two security guards, and there will be a mobile security patrol supporting the NightRider fleet.”
The Minister said the service would cost the Government about $130,000 to establish and an estimated $5,000 a week to operate, with the City of Perth contributing $65,000 towards this cost.
The Northbridge NightRider would operate at least until March, when NightRider services will be reviewed.