Notes to the Financial Statements
- Australian Accounting Standards
- Summary of significant accounting policies
- Judgement made by management in applying accounting policies
- Key sources of estimation uncertainty
- Disclosure of changes in accounting policy and estimates
- Employee benefits expense
- Supplies and services
- Depreciation and amortisation expense
- Finance costs
- Grants and subsidies expense
- Other expenses
- User charges and fees
- Land rationalisation lease revenue
- Operating lease revenue
- Commonwealth grants and contributions
- Interest revenue
- Other revenue
- Net loss on disposal of non-current assets
- Income from State Government
- Restricted cash and cash equivalents
- Inventories
- Receivables
- Amounts receivable for services (Holding Account)
- Infrastructure, property, plant, equipment and vehicles
- Intangible assets
- Non-current assets classified as held for sale
- Impairment of assets
- Payables
- Borrowings
- Provisions
- Other current liabilities
- Deferred income - operating leases
- Equity
- Notes to the Statement of Cash Flows
- Commitments
- Contingent liabilities and contingent assets
- Remuneration of members of the accountable authority and senior officers
- Financial instruments
- Supplementary financial information
- Events occurring after the end of reporting period
- Explanatory statement
- Schedule of income and expenses by service
- Remuneration of auditor