Snapshot: Butler-Yanchep study
Continued development of the north-west corridor is increasing the demand on the road and public transport network.
Current predictions indicate a population north of Clarkson of almost 189,000 by 2031 - about 130,000 more than at present - and traffic data obtained indicates that during the morning peak, the Mitchell Freeway’s three south-bound lanes south of Scarborough Beach Road have been at capacity for some years.
But while the existing (south-bound) road capacity through Leederville is limited to three freeway lanes, the rail infrastructure already has the capacity to accommodate 20 six-car trains an hour (given sufficient trains). This equates to 22,000 people, or the capacity provided by 11 freeway lanes.
Currently, the railway carries the equivalent of about five freeway lanes in an hour of the morning peak and a total of about 33,000 south-bound trips on any given weekday. This is expected to double over the next 20 years.
Through liaison with developers, land owners, and the Department of Planning, the Rail Planning branch has refined the location and design of the railway route from Butler to Yanchep. This was necessary as the railway can be a barrier to development if not integrated from the outset.
The railway design will enable planners and developers to undertake their roles and integrate their infrastructure in full knowledge of the railway alignment, reservation widths, vertical levels to design road crossings over the railway, and to design crossing points for essential services such as water, sewerage, electric power and gas.