Strategic Asset Management Development
The position of Executive Director, Strategic Asset Management Development was established in October 2009. The branch works across all divisions to direct the development of asset management for all PTA infrastructure and rollingstock over the medium and long-term planning horizons.
It is widely acknowledged (including a benchmarking exercise by the Mass Transit Railway (MTR) Hong Kong) that the PTA operates a very reliable transport system. Given that much of the rail infrastructure is relatively new, this project is developing strategies to ensure a high level of service is maintained (or improved) as the equipment profile ages.
Progress has been made in meeting the requirements of a Strategic Asset Management (SAM) Framework with an Asset Management (AM) Policy and Strategy published, and work procedures created for the PTA’s AM system.
We have made significant progress in standardising processes to manage maintenance. This has been supported by the appointment of dedicated Maintenance Planners.
A web-based user interface for the software has been developed and implemented with an operator training program set up. This has enabled the direct capture of all maintenance work (breakdown, corrective and preventive), with history for all activities against work order and equipment. In turn, this has enabled three disparate systems to be shut down (with a further two systems to be rationalised in late 2011), with associated cost savings.
Asset Management Plans (AMP) have been created for key asset classes in N&I. 2011-12 will see these AMPs developed further, as well as drawn together to give a holistic view of the PTA asset requirements.
In a project in which change management is the key to success, training has been critical, including training in the use of the software, planning and AM. An AM course for managers and supervisors has been run by University of Western Australia (UWA) tailored to the PTA’s specific needs. Conferences and training in AM and reliability have been attended by a number of staff.