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Home > Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2004 > 34. Supplementary financial information and 35. Revenue and cost of services explanatory statement

34. Supplementary financial information
35. Revenue and cost of services explanatory statement


34. Supplementary financial information   top of page

Revenue and cost of services explanatory statement   top of page

The PTA was established on 1 July 2003 and consequently a comparison with previous year results is not possible.

Comparison of the actual results for 2003/04 compared to the estimated income and expenses




Revenue was $12.4 million (9.6%) above the estimate. The variations include the following major items that were not budgeted for:

i) A contribution of $3 million from the City of Wanneroo for the construction of a road bridge at Quinns Road;
ii) A claim for liquidated damages of $2.3 million in accordance with contract conditions;
iii) External works of $1.4 million including principal shared paths and electrical isolations;
iv) Advertising revenue of $1.7 million from changed contractual arrangements and timing of receipt of funds;
v) Resources received free of charge of $1 million from the Department of Land Information; and,
vi) Sale of land at Joondalup of $900,000.

Total cost of services
Cost of services for the year was $8.8 million (1.7%) under the estimate.There were several significant positive and negative variations compared to budget that contributed to this minor overall variation. These variations include:

i) A lower capital-user charge of $16 million, arising out of a decision not to transfer the residual debt, following the sale of the
Westrail freight business, from the PTA to the Department of Treasury and Finance because of legislative restrictions;
ii) Increased depreciation of $4.3 million due to the recording of assets at fair value;
iii) Increased infrastructure maintenance costs of $1.9 million, including Goongoonup Bridge and Stirling Station; and,
iv) The cost of $1 million for land valuation services provided free of charge by the Department of Land Information.


Home > Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2004 > 34. Supplementary financial information and 35. Revenue and cost of services explanatory statement  top of page

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Submission to the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure | Chief Executive Officer’s overview
The PTA Executive | Organisational structure | The Transperth system
Regional Town Bus Services | School Bus Services
| Transwa
Network and Infrastructure
| New MetroRail project | People and Organisational Development
Performance Indicators (unaudited) | Compliance | Compliance statements
Explanation of major capital expenditure variations
| The Electoral Act 1907 – Section 175ZE
Audited Key Performance Indicators
| Certification of Performance Indicators for the year ended 30 June 2004
Independent Audit Opinion - Performance Indicators
| Financial Statements
Notes to the Financial Statements
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