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Home > Compliance: Rail safety, Safety standards and measures, Compliance inspections and reporting, Inquiries and inspections, Notifiable occurences, Occupational safety and health, SiteSafe, Injuries, Testing for alcohol and other drugs, Environment, Disability Services Act, Concessions and Complaints

Rail safety   
Safety standards and measures
Compliance inspections and reporting

Inquiries and inspections
Notifiable occurences   
Occupational safety and health

Testing for alcohol and other drugs
Disability Services Act

Rail safety  top of page

The organisation demonstrated continuing compliance with the requirements of the Rail Safety Act 1998 and rail safety accreditation as an owner and operator of a railway.

Safety standards and measures  top of page

The safety management plan addressing the requirements of Australian Standard AS 4292. 1 Railway Safety Management – Part 1: General and interstate requirements was revised to take account of ongoing changes made to the organisation, the responsibilities and authorities. The revised document was submitted to the Director Rail Safety at DPI in accordance with the Rail Safety Act Section 10(2).

Following consultation with key stakeholders during the year, the rail safety and occupational safety and health plans were combined into one PTA safety plan.

Kate Merks

This facilitated the development of one safety system, enabling processes to be streamlined, avoiding duplication of documentation and assisting the organisation in working towards achieving accreditation to AS/NZ 4801:2000.

Compliance inspections and reporting  top of page

The annual rail safety compliance audit was conducted by the Office of Rail Safety in October 2003 and a report was issued on 14 November 2003. The rail safety audit found three non-compliances and 20 observations. There were no directions issued to undertake remedial safety work as a result of a safety compliance inspection.

The PTA annual safety report dealing with the general conduct of the railway operations for the year ended June 2004 showed there were 164 notifiable occurrences reported in accordance with Section 38 (1) of the Rail Safety Act, one less than the previous year.

Inquiries and inspections  top of page

There were no independent investigations involving a person’s death, serious injury or major damage to property conducted under the direction of the Director Rail Safety for the year under review.

The Director Rail Safety issued four instructions in accordance with Section 39(3) of the Rail Safety Act for the organisation to conduct an investigation and provide a written report.

Investigations into Category A occurrences included:

  • collision between an Electrical Multiple Unit (EMU) railcar and the rear of a truck-trailer carrying
    earth-moving equipment across the Jarrad Street (Cottesloe) level crossing, 24 February 2004.

Notifiable occurences  top of page

No serious occurrences (Category A) were reported during the year, which followed a four-year downtrend since the sale of the freight business in 2000. The accumulated average was well below the upper control limit set at the beginning of the year.

There was a steady increase in the number of Category B occurrences with the accumulated average just under the upper control limit.

The increase in the incidence of signals passed at danger continued into the closing weeks of the year with no indication of a decline based on a seasonally-adjusted pattern. Improvements were noted in the number of collisions (other than at level crossings) and slips, trips and falls.

Considerable improvement was also noted in the number of incidents at level crossings since Main Roads WA made improvements to the early warning road signage and road markings in compliance with Australian Standard AS 1742.7.

There was a derailment of a railcar set in the Claisebrook Depot on 26 March 2004 resulting in significant damage to the railcar underfloor equipment and bogies, inter-car connecting equipment and coupler, electrical overhead catenary, track and a set of points.

Occupational safety and health  top of page

The strong focus on safety and health as a core value of the organisation was unrelenting. Training in occupational safety and health continued to be a priority with a significant number of managers and supervisors attending a two-day training course on their occupational safety and health responsibilities.

Safety committees continued to function effectively. All safety representatives attended the safety representatives’ training course.

SiteSafe  top of page

The occupational safety and health database SiteSafe was installed during the second half of the year and will be operational from the beginning of 2004/05.

Heidi Albrecht at
Transperth Reception

This database will enable the organisation to capture reported hazards, accidents or incidents and will facilitate interrogation of data to analyse trends. Program analysts have been trained to undertake this task, and all managers and supervisors have been trained in the use of the program.

Injuries  top of page

The lost-time injury frequency rate for the organisation was 67.99 per million hours worked, compared with 29.7 for the previous year. This increase is attributed to injuries and post-traumatic stress disorders sustained by Transit Guards in the performance of their duties. New procedures and further training were introduced to rectify the situation, and a peer support program introduced to help employees cope with stressful situations. Psychometric testing is now included in the selection process of Transit Guards to determine a person’s suitability for the position.

All managers and supervisors underwent further training in injury management. Also, revised procedures were introduced to improve the rehabilitation management of employees following a work-related injury or illness so that employees can return to meaningful work as quickly as possible.

Testing for alcohol and other drugs  top of page

Random testing of employees and contractors for alcohol and other drugs continued as part of the organisation’s alcohol and other drugs control program. No adverse trends were identified.

Environment  top of page

No significant environmental incidents occurred during the year and the organisation continued to progress the development of an environmental management system.

Disability Service Act  top of page

The PTA recognises that people with disabilities should have the same opportunities as others to join in all aspects of community life. This includes access to premises, infrastructure and transport services. During the year, the PTA continued implementation of the disability services plan (access plan) in accordance with the Disability Services Act and compliance with the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002.

All new trains and coaches purchased during the year were in full compliance with the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002. All work carried out to modify or upgrade railway stations, platforms or waiting areas was in accordance with these standards.

Concessions  top of page

There were no concessions applied for by the organisation as exceptional cases or unjustifiable hardship under the Disability Services Act.

Complaints  top of page

There were no complaints registered with the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission or the organisation in regard to access to services for the year under review.


Home > Compliance: Rail safety, Safety standards and measures, Compliance inspections and reporting, Inquiries and inspections, Notifiable occurences, Occupational safety and health, SiteSafe, Injuries, Testing for alcohol and other drugs, Environment, Disability Services Act, Concessions and Complaints  
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Submission to the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure | Chief Executive Officer’s overview
The PTA Executive | Organisational structure | The Transperth system
Regional Town Bus Services | School Bus Services
| Transwa
Network and Infrastructure
| New MetroRail project | People and Organisational Development
Performance Indicators (unaudited) | Compliance | Compliance statements
Explanation of major capital expenditure variations
| The Electoral Act 1907 – Section 175ZE
Audited Key Performance Indicators
| Certification of Performance Indicators for the year ended 30 June 2004
Independent Audit Opinion - Performance Indicators
| Financial Statements
Notes to the Financial Statements
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