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Home > People and Organisational Development: Key achievements

Key achievements

Key achievements   top of page

Strategic people management
In order to identify the key strategic people issues and incorporate advice on those issues into the broader corporate planning process, the PTA’s Executive endorsed the creation of a cross-divisional people reference group. Comprised of senior managers and technical professionals, the group provides advice directly to the Executive on key people strategies, and monitors and evaluates organisational implementation of people and organisational development initiatives and programs.

Workforce planning
A strategic workforce planning process was initiated to assist the PTA to actively prepare for future needs by ensuring the organisation has the right number of people, with the right capabilities, in place at the right time.

George Loo, Louise Madden, Kate Merks,
Victoria Paul and David Hynes

Workforce planning
A strategic workforce planning process was initiated to assist the PTA to actively prepare for future needs by ensuring the organisation has the right number of people, with the right capabilities, in place at the right time.The workforce plan assists the PTA to achieve its objectives by ensuring the workforce can deliver the business needs and required outcomes. Workforce planning is particularly crucial in the period of expansion of the rail network and services.

Industrial relations
A new agreement for salaried officers was successfully negotiated during the year, including:

  • extended paid parental leave;
  • incentives for professional development;
  • leave for training with defence force reserves; and,
  • improvements to the provisions for consultation between the employer, employees and union representatives.

The bargaining process concluded by year end with final orders to be issued by the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) in relation to the working arrangements for railcar drivers.

The proposed enterprise agreement for railway employees was completed and lodged with the IRC for ratification.

Workplace agreements were being progressively phased out consistent with WA Government policy and transitional provisions were made following the discontinuance of state workplace agreements.

Other major activities included:

  • implementation of strategies to facilitate performance management and address discipline
    related matters; and,
  • development and implementation of a single point of contact for enquiries to provide timely
    and consistent information to workplace managers and employees.

Performance and Development Plans
The Performance and Development Plan (PDP) process ensures a link between the strategic and operational plans, and the key tasks and projects being carried out by individuals.The process was implemented through a top-down approach, beginning with the Executive.

Training in the PDP process and performance management was delivered online, using flexible selfpaced e-learning courses.

The PTA continued to implement a workplace training system to establish a consistent, auditable training and assessment process to ensure its workforce is appropriately trained and competent. A cross-divisional training committee was established to oversee the specific training priorities in the training plan.
The main focus of the committee is to ensure that appropriate strategies are used to address training priorities.

The PTA is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and has an approved scope of training for the Transport and Distribution Training Package under the provision of the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF).

Training and assessment services conducted during the year were:

  • RTO-coordinated training for 574 PTA employees;
  • a total of 532.5 dedicated training days for PTA staff;
  • RTO-coordinated training for 54 employees of private sector organisations which have a contractual arrangement with PTA; and,
  • a total of 12.5 dedicated training days for external trainees.

Leadership training
Following a successful pilot program in 2003, a further group of managers participated in front-line management training, including the completion of work-based projects to improve the provision of customer-focused public transport services.

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
The PTA performed well against its EEO performance objectives in most areas. Equity and grievance resolution training was provided to employees.A family room facility was provided to give greater workplace flexibility.

A peer-support program was established with volunteers from the workplace taking on a stress management mentoring role while carrying out their normal duties.

EEO progress

Transperth Customer Service Assistant
Fabio Pontarolo

% Representation
Equity Index
People from culturally diverse backgrounds
Indigenous Australians
People with disabilities

Cultrual diversity and language services
All Transit Guards were provided with cross-cultural awareness training to equip them with the skills and knowledge necessary to work and effectively communicate in a socially-diverse environment. The employment of people from culturally diverse backgrounds at the PTA increased.

Consistent with government policy, new employment opportunities for young people were created with the introduction of a structured graduate program for newly qualified engineers and business graduates.The PTA employed four graduates in the year under review, and vacation employment was again provided to engineering students during their summer break.

Workplace English Language and Literacy
The WELL program was conducted for the third year at the PTA. It continued to focus on improving employees’ computer skills and focused on literacy and effectiveness in the workplace.

In 2003/04, the number of redeployees was reduced by 55%. Displaced staff continued to receive career transition support services in a variety of areas including one-to-one training in interview and curriculum vitae preparation, on-the-job training, retirement counselling, and assistance in workplace language and literacy, and life skills.

Business improvement
The provision of information more efficiently to employees and managers continued to improve. All employees now have online access to information such as their employment conditions and policies on well-being, workforce mobility and training. In addition, employees will have online access through a web kiosk to their payroll, leave and employment details.

Stands in HR Management
The PTA did not breach any of the Standards in Human Resources Management during 2003/04.

PTA staff
The PTA employed 940* staff at 30 June 2004

Finance and Contracts
Transperth Train Operations
Network and Infrastructure
New MetroRail
Transperth and Regional Town Bus Services
School Bus Services

* Includes 18 redeployees


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Submission to the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure | Chief Executive Officer’s overview
The PTA Executive | Organisational structure | The Transperth system
Regional Town Bus Services | School Bus Services
| Transwa
Network and Infrastructure
| New MetroRail project | People and Organisational Development
Performance Indicators (unaudited) | Compliance | Compliance statements
Explanation of major capital expenditure variations
| The Electoral Act 1907 – Section 175ZE
Audited Key Performance Indicators
| Certification of Performance Indicators for the year ended 30 June 2004
Independent Audit Opinion - Performance Indicators
| Financial Statements
Notes to the Financial Statements
| Contact Details | Contents in pdf | Home