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Reece Waldock
Acting Chief Executive Officer†
Reece has 20 years’ experience in strategic management with particular expertise in organisational reform.

He held a number of senior executive roles within the Department of Commerce and Trade and Department of Transport from the early 1990s through to the end of 2000. In December 2000, following the sale of the freight business of the Western Australian Government Railways Commission (WAGRC), Reece acted in the position of Commissioner of Railways until the Commission was extinguished on 30 June 2003.

With the creation of the PTA on 1 July 2003, Reece has acted in the position of Chief Executive Officer.

Prior to his career with the public sector in Western Australia, Reece held a number of senior management roles with BHP.

Reece Waldock


Mark Burgess
Acting Director, Transperth, Regional and School Bus Services‡
Mark has gained extensive logistic, transport and people management skills through 21 years in the Army and seven years managing the Transperth system. He joined the PTA at its formation 12 months ago after six years with Transperth, the Department of Transport and the Department for Planning and Infrastructure.

Mark is responsible for managing, coordinating and marketing the Transperth system, comprising commercial bus contractors, a commercial ferry contractor and the PTA urban passenger rail

He is also responsible for regional town bus and school bus services throughout Western Australia. His focus is on delivering quality, reliable public transport services through more than 925 transport service contracts across the State.

Mark Burgess

John Powell
General Manager, Transwa
During his 43-year career in the railway industry, John has gained extensive experience in transport policy and human resource management. John has contributed to productivity management changes and the evolution of Transwa into a safe, customer-focused and cost-effective passenger transport provider.

John Powell

Pat Italiano
Acting General Manager, Transperth Train Operationsƒ

During his 31-year railway career, Pat has gained extensive experience in business management, financial management, procurement, audit and, more recently, operational experience within an urban rail mass transit environment. A qualified accountant, he also has considerable experience in strategic management and is a leader in risk management. Pat’s inclusion in the PTA Executive will see a continued commitment towards ensuring that the high service-delivery standards enjoyed on the existing passenger rail network are attained on the passenger rail services now being developed to Clarkson,Thornlie and Mandurah through the New MetroRail project.

Pat Italiano

Hugh Smith
General Manager, Network and Infrastructure

Hugh launched his engineering career at British Steel in the United Kingdom and joined WAGRC in 1972 as an Assistant Engineer at the Midland Workshops, where he subsequently held senior management positions in design and production. He was appointed General Manager of the Urban Passenger Division in 1994.

In this role he was responsible for developing strategies for customer focus, reliability of services and improved on-time running of trains. Following the sale of WAGRC’s freight business in December 2000, Hugh was appointed General Manager, Network and Infrastructure in an organisation focused exclusively on passenger transport and customer service.

Hugh Smith

John Leaf
Executive Director, Finance Contracts

John joined WAGRC in 1989 and performed a strategic role in the continuous improvement and restructuring of the organisation, as well as its evolution into a customer-focused public transport service provider. John is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and the Institute of Company Directors.

John Leaf

Cliff Gillam
Director, People and Organisational Development

Cliff is an industrial relations, human resources and organisational development professional with 15 years’ experience in the Western Australian public sector. He joined the PTA on secondment in September 2003 and was appointed to the Executive in May 2004. Cliff ’s goal is to make the PTA an employer of choice by helping provide a satisfying and fulfiling work environment. By this means, the organisation can recruit the best people, develop their skills, provide rewarding careers and further its objectives of delivering outstanding services to the community and increasing the usage of public transport in WA.

Cliff Gillam

Sue McCarrey
Director, Policy Unit

Sue has expertise in government policy and administration including legal frameworks and the mechanics of government. Her expertise also includes making the link between whole-ofgovernment policy and directions at the operational level of the agency. Prior to joining the PTA in 2002, Sue worked in a number of government administration roles within the Department of Education and Training including coordinating policy development and review, and planning at the corporate, division and operational levels. This work included time as a school principal in both country and metropolitan schools.

Sue McCarrey

Gary Willox
Project Director, New MetroRail

Garry is a civil engineer who commenced with WAGRC in 1969, working in district engineering offices. He then held a number of senior management positions in Perth. From 1988 to 1993 he was Project Manager for the Perth Urban Rail Electrification project and Project Director for the Northern Suburbs Railway project. He was then General Manager Engineering and Supply, before joining National Rail Corporation in Sydney. He worked on major railway works in Thailand between 1998 and 2000. He was appointed Project Director in April 2000 and has overseen the New MetroRail project from the end of the planning stage to design, tenders and construction.

Gary Willox

Richard Mann
Project Director, City Project
Richard came to New MetroRail with more than 10 years’ experience in project and contract management at government and semi-government level. He joined the Main Roads Department (MRD) in 1988 after graduating in engineering, and spent the next 14 years predominantly in WA’s north-west. He returned to Perth as Manager of Term Contracts (Metro Region) where he was responsible for the maintenance of all of MRD’s metropolitan-area assets including the Northbridge tunnel. He was seconded to the WAGRC in April 2002 to help the Perth City Rail Advisory Committee prepare its second report, including recommendations on the alignment of the Perth-Mandurah line through the city. When the report was finished, Richard stayed on to head up the City Project.

RIchard Mann


Reece Waldock was appointed Chief Executive Officer on 18 August 2004.
Mark Burgess was appointed Director,Transperth, Regional and School Bus Services on 16 July 2004.
ƒ Pat Italiano was appointed General Manager,Transperth Train Operations on 26 July 2004.

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Submission to the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure | Chief Executive Officer’s overview
The PTA Executive | Organisational structure | The Transperth system
Regional Town Bus Services | School Bus Services
| Transwa
Network and Infrastructure
| New MetroRail project | People and Organisational Development
Performance Indicators (unaudited) | Compliance | Compliance statements
Explanation of major capital expenditure variations
| The Electoral Act 1907 – Section 175ZE
Audited Key Performance Indicators
| Certification of Performance Indicators for the year ended 30 June 2004
Independent Audit Opinion - Performance Indicators
| Financial Statements
Notes to the Financial Statements
| Contact Details | Contents in pdf | Home