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Transwa operates coach and rail passenger services to regional centres in 275 locations in Western Australia. These services consist of:

  • Australind train services between Perth and Bunbury;
  • Prospector train services between Perth and Kalgoorlie;
  • AvonLink train services between Perth/Midland and Northam and Merredin; and,
  • a comprehensive coach network which extends to Kalbarri, Geraldton and Meekatharra in the north, to Augusta, Pemberton and Albany in the south-west and Esperance in the south-east.

Station upgrades to meet disability access standards were completed during the year at Merredin, Cunderdin,Tammin, Northam,Toodyay and Kellerberrin. Contracts were let to similarly upgrade the stations at Southern Cross, Bonnie Vale and Moorine Rock. Tenders were called for the construction of a new railcar depot at Kewdale and funding was approved.

Coach services
Transwa’s fleet of new five-star diesel coaches was progressively introduced from late May 2003. The 14.5-metre, 20-tonne coaches feature a Scania chassis and engine. The coach bodies were built by Volgren at its Malaga workshops.The coaches meet the latest Euro3 emission standards. During 2003/04, 231,822 passengers travelled on Transwa coaches. This compares with 231, 736 passengers during 2002/03 - an increase of 0.04%.

Profile of coach customers

2001/02 2002/03 2003/04
Adult 25% 26% 25%
Pensioner (free travel) 18% 18% 17%
Concession fare 57% 56% 58%

Train Services
During the year, delivery was taken of two new Prospector railcar sets, each consisting of two cars. Services commenced on 28 June 2004.

A further three-car set will be delivered next financial year.

The new Prospector rollingstock is designed for long-distance passenger service and can travel up to a maximum permissible speed of 160kmh. The seating capacity of each two-car set is 98 plus there is space to accommodate two wheelchairs. The three-car set capacity is 158 which also has space for two wheelchairs.

The standard on-board features include rotating and reclining seats, personal air conditioning controls, personal music channels, movie screens and access to power points for lap top computers, telephone and facsimile services. The railcars also feature wheelchair accessible toilets. A premium GoldService is available on the new Prospector train, offering consumers a choice of different service levels incorporating in-seat service for meals and designated check-in and porterage.

The Australind service between Bunbury and Perth was introduced in 1947. In recent years the Australind, which runs two services a day, has consistently carried more than 150,000 people annually. The 2003/04 year saw patronage reach 154,040.

Currently the AvonLink services uses the original Prospector railcars. A new two-car AvonLink arrived in Perth towards the end of 2003/04 and will be introduced when track testing is complete.

To coincide with the introduction of the new Prospector, a new AvonLink service was introduced to link Perth and Merredin three days a week. The new service complements the existing commuter service to Northam and Toodyay.

During the year, 255,803 passengers travelled on Transwa trains, down slightly from 256,999 in 2002/03.

Profile of railcar customers

2001/02 2002/03 2003/04
Adult 36% 38% 35%
Pensioner (free travel) 14% 15% 14%
Concession fare 50% 47% 51%

Performance of Transwa services
To measure Transwa service performance, a passenger satisfaction survey is undertaken. This annual survey is conducted by an independent research company. The resultant Passenger Satisfaction Monitor (PSM) measures passenger satisfaction levels over the whole range of Transwa services.

The results of the 2003/04 PSM show that 88% of Transwa passengers were satisfied overall with the services. This strong result reflects passenger responses to fare costs, comfort, cleanliness, staff and the reservation system. Transwa is confident of even better future results with the advent of the new Prospector and AvonLink.

Transwa's Mirka Di Salvio

There was a high correlation between the responses on the different services, leading to the following observations:

  • the general results of the survey indicate that passengers are predominantly satisfied with Transwa services;
  • issues of concern raised by passengers using the Prospector services relating to the duration of the journey, refreshments and entertainment have been addressed with the introduction of new railcars. Coach services rated higher overall and have a higher proportion of very satisfied responses. However, the quality of refreshments served at various refreshment stops on the coach network attracted a lower rating; and,
  • the survey results will enable Transwa to continue to assess and meet the demand for quality transport services in regional areas.

Call Centre response
The key performance target in Transwa’s reservations call centre is to answer 95% of calls within 40 seconds. The results are as follows:

2001/02 2002/03 2003/04
Total calls received 402,503 386,550 364,486
Answered within target 382,471 369,063 345,115
Percentage 95.2% 95.48% 94.68%

Transwa continued its program of customer-focused training, enhancing and elaborating on previous training of staff by practical and theoretical application, particularly in respect to cultural awareness and assisting people with disabilities.

An investigation into the theoretical and practical application of training for staff in the areas of manual handling and fire extinguishing was made with the intention of developing a program specifically for use on Transwa railcars and coaches.

Extensive driver training was carried out through the year to acquaint staff with the operation of the new railcars.

Continuing training in skills such as computer applications and front-line management was undertaken throughout the year.


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Submission to the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure | Chief Executive Officer’s overview
The PTA Executive | Organisational structure | The Transperth system
Regional Town Bus Services | School Bus Services
| Transwa
Network and Infrastructure
| New MetroRail project | People and Organisational Development
Performance Indicators (unaudited) | Compliance | Compliance statements
Explanation of major capital expenditure variations
| The Electoral Act 1907 – Section 175ZE
Audited Key Performance Indicators
| Certification of Performance Indicators for the year ended 30 June 2004
Independent Audit Opinion - Performance Indicators
| Financial Statements
Notes to the Financial Statements
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