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Home > Regional Town Bus Services (RTBS): Major developments and Review of Performance

Major Developments   
Review of Performance

The PTA is responsible for the management of public transport systems in regional Western Australia. At 30 June 2004, there were 14 contracted services operating in 14 major regional towns. In addition, there were a number of minor services which network with other regional transport services via the inland road network thereby providing passenger transport connectivity through regional areas.

Major developments   top of page

The total capacity provided on the RTBS system expressed in terms of passenger place kilometres increased by 4.9%.

Owen Thomas, Andrew Foreman and
Phil Bradley.

This was the result of a major review and an increase in the number of services operated in Bunbury, an increase in service kilometres in Busselton and the introduction of a subsidised road coach service between Perth and Port Hedland on a six-month trial basis.

The RTBS fleet was increased from 137 to 145 buses.

RTBS continued its program to make its services accessible to all sections of the community with 40.1% of service kilometres being provided by accessible buses.

A Passenger Satisfaction Survey for regional services was conducted in the first half of 2004, but due to the low response rate, no statistical conclusions could be drawn.

RTBS plans in 2005/06 to introduce the Wayfarer 3 MultiRider ticketing system in all regional towns that currently have an inferior ticketing system.

Review of performance   top of page

Total boardings (including free travel and transfers) on the RTBS system increased by 0.9%, from 2.291 million in 2002/03 to 2.313 million.

At the same time, fare-paying boardings decreased by 2.0% from 1.839 million to 1.802 million.

Passenger place kilometres
Passenger place kilometres on RTBS increased by 4.9% from 155.473 million to 163.089 million. There was an increase in service kilometres of 5.8% from 2.283 million to 2.415 million.


Home > Regional Town Bus Services (RTBS): Major developments and Review of Performance

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Submission to the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure | Chief Executive Officer’s overview
The PTA Executive | Organisational structure | The Transperth system
Regional Town Bus Services | School Bus Services
| Transwa
Network and Infrastructure
| New MetroRail project | People and Organisational Development
Performance Indicators (unaudited) | Compliance | Compliance statements
Explanation of major capital expenditure variations
| The Electoral Act 1907 – Section 175ZE
Audited Key Performance Indicators
| Certification of Performance Indicators for the year ended 30 June 2004
Independent Audit Opinion - Performance Indicators
| Financial Statements
Notes to the Financial Statements
| Contact Details | Contents in pdf | Home