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Home > Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2004 > 32. Remuneration of members of the Accountable Authority and senior officers and 33. Financial instruments

32. Remuneration of members of the Accountable Authority and senior officers
33. Financial instruments

32. Remuneration of members of the Accountable Authority and senior officers   top of page

The superannuation included here represents the superannuation expense incurred by the PTA in respect of senior officers, other than the senior officer reported as a member of the Accountable Authority.

No senior officer is a member of the Pension Scheme.

Financial instruments   top of page

a) Interest rate risk exposure
The following table details the PTA’s exposure to interest risk as at the reporting date:

2004 Note Weighted
rate %
rate (l)
Fixed interest rate maturing in:
1 year
or less
1 to 5
5 years

(i) Variable interest rates represent the most recently determined rate applicable to the instrument at balance date.

(ii) Western Australian Treasury Corporation loans.

b) Credit risk exposure
The PTA’s credit risk on financial assets, which have been recognised in the Statement of Financial Position, is generally the carrying amount, net of any provision for doubtful debts.

Concentrations of credit risk on financial assets are primarily related to property rental agreements and other miscellaneous revenue.

Except for securities held to ensure the performance of contractor guarantees or warrantees, amounts due from major debtors are not normally secured by collateral. However the credit-worthiness of debtors is regularly monitored. Securities held to ensure the performance of contractor guarantees or warranties include Bank Guarantees, Personal (Directors) Guarantees or cash. The value of securities held is dependant on the nature, including the complexity and risk, of the contract.

c) Financial exchange risk exposure
The purpose of foreign currency hedging activities is to protect against the risk that the eventual Australian dollar outflows in respect of purchases in foreign currency may be adversely affected by changes in exchange rates. The PTA does not enter into hedge transactions for speculative purposes.

The PTA has an exposure to changes in foreign exchange rates resulting from the following:

i) Bus replacement program
The bus replacement program requires payment for bus chassis to be made in Euros.The PTA uses forward exchange contracts in Euros to hedge this risk. The contracts are timed to mature when major bus chassis components are scheduled to be delivered and to cover anticipated purchases for the ensuing financial years.

ii) Smartcard ticketing
The smartcard ticketing program requires payment for equipment purchases to be made in Great Britain pounds. The PTA uses forward exchange contracts in Great Britain pounds to hedge this risk. The contracts are timed to mature when the equipment is scheduled to be delivered and to cover anticipated purchases for the ensuing financial year.

At reporting date, the details of outstanding forward contracts are:


2004 2004
Buy Euro
Sell Aus $
Buy Great
Sell Aus $

Average exchange rates

2004 2004

As these contracts are hedging anticipated purchases of bus chassis and smartcard ticketing equipment, any unrealised gains or losses on the contracts, together with the cost of the contracts, have been deferred and will be recognised in the financial statements at the time the purchase occurs.

Amounts receivable and payable on forward contracts are included in the Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2004.

The following gains or losses have been deferred at 30 June 2004 and included in the Statement of Financial Position:


d) Net fair values
The carrying amount of financial assets and financial liabilities recorded in the financial statements are not materially different from their net fair values, determined in accordance with the accounting policies disclosed in Note 1 to the Financial Statements.


Home > Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2004 > 32. Remuneration of members of the Accountable Authority and senior officers and 33. Financial instruments  top of page

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Submission to the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure | Chief Executive Officer’s overview
The PTA Executive | Organisational structure | The Transperth system
Regional Town Bus Services | School Bus Services
| Transwa
Network and Infrastructure
| New MetroRail project | People and Organisational Development
Performance Indicators (unaudited) | Compliance | Compliance statements
Explanation of major capital expenditure variations
| The Electoral Act 1907 – Section 175ZE
Audited Key Performance Indicators
| Certification of Performance Indicators for the year ended 30 June 2004
Independent Audit Opinion - Performance Indicators
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Notes to the Financial Statements
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