Transwa trains

In 2009/10, we ran four distinct train services:

  • The Australind runs daily return services between Perth and Bunbury for a total of 28 services a week
  • The Prospector runs 18 services a week between Perth and Kalgoorlie
  • Between Northam and Midland the AvonLink provides two services each weekday (except on public holidays)
  • The MerredinLink provides six all-stops services between East Perth and Merredin each week, operating on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, with the exception of public holidays.

The train fleet consists of 14 railcars - seven Prospector, two AvonLink (also used to provide MerredinLink services) and five Australind railcars.

In 2009/10 Transwa employed 17 Railcar Drivers based at East Perth and Bunbury. The on-board services on the Australind are provided by Bunbury-based Transwa staff and a contractor provides on-board services on the Prospector, AvonLink and MerredinLink.

The year’s developments

Replacement of the carpet and galley flooring in the Prospector railcars was completed in 2009/10 and will provide benefits both in appearance and ease of cleaning. Power points were installed at every passenger seat location on the Prospector and AvonLink, providing greater access for passengers to use their own laptops and other portable devices.

The manufacturing of the new seats for the Australind was completed and we are awaiting delivery. The new seats will be fitted to the railcars in 2010/11.

Transwa continued with their ongoing commitment to safety throughout the year.

Transwa Trains: On-time running performance


Due to a variety of factors, including the general economic downturn, patronage on Transwa rail services fell by 2.1 per cent mostly reflected on the Prospector and AvonLink services.

Transwa Trains: Patronage

Passenger satisfaction

The PSM continued to show excellent overall satisfaction levels for Transwa trains, with the Prospector remaining steady at 96 per cent and satisfaction with the Australind improving slightly to 93 per cent. The combined results for the AvonLink and MerredinLink were down to 84 per cent from last year’s all time high result of 90 per cent.

Transwa Trains: Customer satisfaction


Work was completed on the construction of a security compound in Kalgoorlie for overnight stabling of the Prospector. The only remaining item is the installation of artistic panels in keeping with the heritage nature of the site. Work commenced on Prospector major engine and transmission refurbishments, as well as bogie overhauls, with much of the work being undertaken at the Kewdale depot. Transwa continues to seek funding for the construction of additional facilities at Kewdale to ensure efficient replacement of major components, thus preventing any disruptions to services.