Service and Financial Achievements

During the financial year 2009/10, the PTA has delivered public transport services worth $882.7 million to the people of Western Australia. The graph below shows how these funds were spent across each service. Refer to the individual sections of Review of Performance by mode for further details on expenditure by services. Total revenue and funding received during the year amounted to $899.3 million.

Financial Targets: Actuals compared to budget targets

The following table provides a comparison of the financial targets and outcomes against criteria included in the Resource Agreement between the Chief Executive Officer, Minister for Transport and the Treasurer.

  2009-10 Target (1)
2009-10 Actual
Total costs of services 866,141 882,693 -16,552 Note 2.1
Net cost of services 697,315 684,919 12,396 Note 2.2
Total Equity 3,309,431 4,477,030 -1,167,599 Note 2.3
Net increase/(decrease) in cash held -13,150 -7,182 5,968 Note 2.4
  Number of FTE’s Number of FTE’s Number of FTE’s  
Approved Full Time equivalent 1,463 1,393 70 Note 2.5


1. As specified in the 2009/10 budget statements

2. Explanation of variations:

(2.1) Increase in Total Cost of Services reflects Cabinet and EERC budget approvals during 2009/10, the increase is mainly due to:

  • Costs related to recoverable external works $ 5.2 million;
  • Fuel cost increases $ 2.4 million;
  • Legal costs $ 3.7 million, funded in a previous year;
  • Grain freight Stage 1 expenditure $ 5.2 million;
  • Bus Stop Accessibility Program $ 0.6 million.

(2.2) Decrease in net cost of services reflects increases in total cost of services offset by a $ 20.9 million increase in revenue, mainly due to:

  • Fare revenue $ 3.9 million;
  • Rental revenue $ 2.9 million;
  • Revenue related to the Goongoonup rail bridge and the Mirrabooka bus station $10.1 million;
  • Revenue from infringements and service contributions $ 4.0 million.

(2.3) The variation is mainly due to revaluation of freight network infrastructure.

(2.4) The movement in cash is mainly due to cash balances held for the Grain Freight stage 1 program.

(2.5) The variation to the approved FTE staff level is mainly due to the difficulty in recruiting transit officers. Train security was maintained by use of CCTV and contract security services.

Summary of Key Peformance Indicators: Actual compared to budget targets

  2009-10 Target 2009-10 Actual Variation

Outcome: Accessible, Reliable and Safe Public Transport System.

Key Effectiveness Indicators


Use of public transport - passengers per service kilometre :

• metropolitan bus services 1.43 1.43 0.00
• metropolitan train services (a) 3.46 4.15 0.69
• metropolitan ferry services 13.78 13.43 -0.35
• regional bus services 0.853 1.002 0.149
• country passenger rail services 0.27 0.242 -0.028
• country passenger road coach services 0.07 0.067 -0.003

Accessible Public Transport:

The proportion of street addresses within the Perth Public Transport Area which are within 500 metres of a Transperth stop providing an acceptable level of service

81% 82.89% 1.89%

Metropolitan and regional passenger services reliability:

• bus services within four minutes of scheduled time 85% 85.54% 0.54%
• train arriving within four minutes of scheduled time 95% 95.90% 0.90%
• ferries arriving within three minutes of scheduled time 98% 98.39% 0.39%

Country passenger rail and road coach services reliability:

• Prospector arriving within 15 minutes of scheduled time (b) 90% 72% -18.00%
• Australind arriving within 10 minutes of scheduled time 90% 95% 5.00%
• MerredinLink arriving within 10 minutes of scheduled time 95% 87% -8.00%
• AvonLink arriving within 10 minutes of scheduled time 95% 98% 3.00%
• Road Coaches arriving within 10 minutes of scheduled time 95% 97% 2.00%

Regional school bus services reliability:

drop off no less than 10 minutes before the school starts and pick up within 10 minutes of school ending 97% 97% 0%

Level of overall customer satisfaction - customer satisfaction index:

• metropolitan bus services 80% 81% 1%
• metropolitan train services 92% 93% 1%
• metropolitan ferry services 98% 96% -2%
• country passenger rail and road coach services 92% 90% -2%

Customer perception of safety - independent external surveys:

• train station - daytime 96% 98% 2%
• on-board train - daytime 97% 98% 1%
• train station - night-time 65% 70% 5%
• on-board train - night-time 75% 75% 0%
• bus station - daytime 95% 96% 1%
• on-board bus - daytime 99% 98% -1%
• bus station - night-time 65% 70% 5%
• on-board bus - night-time 80% 79% -1%

Level of notifiable safety occurrences - notifiable occurrences:

• Category A: occurrences per million passenger boardings (c) 0.34 0.23 -0.11
• Category A: occurrences per million train kilometres (c) 1.11 0.86 -0.25
• Category B: occurrences per million passenger boardings 9.32 8.19 -1.13
• Category B: occurrences per million train kilometres 30.50 30.74 0.24
• Regional school bus services: notifiable occurrences (accidents) reported each school year(d) 13 17 4

Outcome: Protection of the long term functionality of the rail corridor and railway infrastructure:

• Number of lease breaches Nil Nil Nil

Key Efficiency Indicators


Service 1 : Metropolitan and Regional Passenger Services

Average cost per passenger kilometre      
• Transperth bus operations (e) $0.63 $0.76 $0.13
• Transperth train operations (f) $0.46 $0.41 -$0.05
• Transperth ferry operations $1.24 $1.22 -$0.02
Average cost per 1,000 place kilometres      
• Regional bus services $74.62 $80.09 $5.47
Total passenger place kilometres (millions)      
• Regional bus services 185.2 190.5 5.3

Service 2 : Country Passenger Rail and Road Coach Services

Average cost per passenger kilometre      
• Transwa rail $ 0.41 $0.44 $0.03
• Transwa road coaches $ 0.22 $0.20 - $0.02

Service 3: Regional School Bus Services

Average cost per contracted kilometre: student bus services $3.39 $3.27 -$0.12

Service 4: Rail Corridor and Residual Freight Issues

Total cost of managing the rail freight corridor and residual freight issues(g) $26,846,000 $ 29,681,000 $2,835,000

Note: For more explanations on the variation, please refer to the section Audited Key Performance Indicators.

  1. Transperth Trains achieved a growth in patronage in 2009/10 reaching 56.4 million, 2.0% above target.
  2. The 2009/10 on time running result for the Prospector was below target as a result of disruptions in services due to track works, and train crossing delays due to increased traffic.
  3. Category ‘A’ incidents per million passenger boardings and per million train kilometres were 32% and 23% lower than target.
  4. Regional school bus services notifiable occurrences were above target; approximately 65% of the accident cases occurred through no fault of the school bus driver. No fatalities were recorded.
  5. The Transperth Bus services cost per passenger kilometre in 2009/10 rose significantly above target mainly due to the significant decrease in passenger kilometres. The average trip length per passenger decreased by 15% from 6.6 kilometres to 5.6 kilometre.
  6. The Transperth Trains services cost per passenger kilometre in 2009/10 decreased significantly below target mainly due to the significant increase in passenger kilometres by 16.6% compared to the previous year. The average trip length per passenger surpassed the target by 12% to 17.69 kilometre per passenger.
  7. The cost of managing the rail corridor and residual freight issues in 2009/10 was higher than target by 10.56% due to additional costs associated with revaluing the freight network and the assessment of the grain freight network.