PTA people

The Public Transport Authority places a strong emphasis on the importance of its people. This is reinforced by the commitment to Our People as one of five key results areas in our Strategic Plan. The PTA follows the public sector standards in human resource management and approved procedures in the management of its people. Additionally, we maintain a comprehensive suite of human resource policies and procedures which are applied to ensure a consistent approach to human resource management for all current and potential employees.

By doing so we strive to ensure a discrimination-free work environment, effective employee performance and a workplace that encourages active staff participation and engagement in decision-making processes. Recently we launched an initiative called onePTA, based on the theme “together we deliver.” The impetus for this came from the November 2009 Employee Opinion Poll and a subsequent workshop involving 80 PTA employees.

The opinion poll showed improvements in every positive indicator and percentage reductions in indicators which reflected areas for the PTA to work on. The onePTA initiative aims to build on the positive poll results to create an even better workplace for all PTA employees. The workplace experience impacts on employee engagement, motivation, commitment and performance; onePTA promotes a united purpose for PTA employees and supports a strong culture of respect, recognition, integrity, safety and sustainability.

Because we are engaged in a broad range of work activities, the PTA needs a diverse workforce to address the differing needs of the work undertaken. Job roles and career paths are offered in direct transport service provision, front-line customer service, planning, infrastructure design and delivery, maintenance, trades, project and contract management, security and a wide range of professions. As at 30 June the PTA employed 1463 people.

Strategic people management

Workforce planning and development remain a key focus to ensure support is provided in the operation of an efficient and effective public transport system. Workforce planning provides a strategic framework for the identification of our future capability needs and the challenges we face in attracting and retaining a diverse workforce. In this context, the PTA develops strategies to recruit new employees and develop the capabilities of its existing workforce.

The Graduate Recruitment Program is an important way to attract and retain high-calibre individuals for eventual appointment to key leadership roles in the PTA. The program started in 2002 and has provided a pool of talent from which we can and do, draw. Additionally, the PTA has a focus on youth - the 2010 youth intake includes seven graduates, two school-based trainees and two full-time business trainees.

As well as employing people with university qualifications and engaging trainees, we have recently set about refocussing our learning and development function to build the capability of our workforce. This follows a restructuring of the People and Organisational Development Division to include a Learning and Development Branch, a Labour Relations Branch and a Human Resource Branch.

The learning and development function will seek to support and improve skills and knowledge of employees through targeted training and development in employment opportunities, succession and career planning.

Registered training organisation

As a registered training organisation (RTO), the PTA provides quality training and assessment activities in compliance with the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF). As an RTO, we are scoped to issue Certificates II, III and IV in Transport and Logistics (Rail Operations). Activities undertaken as an RTO include:

  • coordinating the Recognition of Prior Learning project with Polytechnic West for overhead catenary maintainers;
  • coordinating (in conjunction with the Safety and Strategy Directorate) the Workplace English Language and Literacy OHS training for operational supervisors;
  • delivering and administering requalification training for operational support functions (railcar drivers, transit officers and passenger ticketing assistants);
  • providing apprenticeship and traineeship advice; and
  • developing training and assessment materials for Transwa railcar and on-train employees and train control operations.

Training was delivered to:

PTA Employees

New Courses

Urban Railcar Drivers 60
Transit Officers 27
Passenger Ticketing Assistants 13




Refresher Training

Urban Railcar Drivers 127
Transit Officers - Defensive Tactics 192
Transit Officers - Safe working 68
Customer Service Officers 69
Transperth Operations 49





Rev Protects, Authorised Officers 70

Qualifications Issued

Certificate II 23
Certificate III 28



Learning centre

As part of the upgrade and maintenance of the human resource management database and payroll system, we have implemented a new learning management system to capture more comprehensively, information relating to training undertaken by employees. The system will enable a stronger connection between the performance development and planning process and employee development needs which can be provided through learning and development opportunities. The system will be rolled out through 2010/2011 and will:

  • store all PTA learning and development records and related costs in one database;
  • allow managers to track development activities accessed by team members;
  • provide a central portal for all internal and external learning and development activities; and
  • provide online training modules including safety and induction programs.

Labour relations

The remuneration and employment conditions for 80 per cent of PTA employees are governed by registered industrial agreements. Railcar drivers had elected to remain under their award conditions, but have recently recommenced bargaining for an industrial agreement. Negotiations were undertaken for a replacement agreement for transit officers, who are eligible for a new agreement from 18 July.


The PTA continues to implement initiatives to meet its representation and distribution objectives for each diversity category in the Equity and Diversity Management Plan 2010/2012. Through our Reconciliation Action Plan, we continue to contribute to reconciliation by raising the organisational profile and awareness of indigenous issues to improve respect, relationships and opportunities for indigenous Australians. A cooperative arrangement has been put in place with Sevenoaks College to provide work experience placements for indigenous and socially-disadvantaged youth. We also engage with the Public Sector Commission and Rocky Bay Employment Service to employ people with disabilities.

Health and lifestyle program

The PTA has a comprehensive health and lifestyle program available for all employees. It concentrates on changing habits and educating employees to make healthy lifestyle choices. Components include good eating habits, food and health awareness, physical activity for employees and their families and sponsorship of participation in community events.

Compliance with human resource management standards

We received five breach claims in 2009/10. Of the claims, three were dismissed by the Office of the Public Sector Commissioner and two were withdrawn.