Transwa road coaches

During the year we operated 144 road coach services each week and employed 34 Road Coach Operators for our fleet of 21 five-star coaches.

The year’s developments

The program of preventative and restorative maintenance - including repainting, equipment upgrades and mechanical overhauls - continued, and our road coaches offer customers a high level of comfort, reliability and amenity. To facilitate this program, an additional second-hand coach was purchased and is expected to enter service in August 2010 increasing the fleet size to 22 vehicles.

Timetable changes were made to take account of changed running times as a result of the opening of the new Bunbury Highway.

Transwa Road Coaches: On-time performance


Most of our coach routes experienced a decline in patronage, with the overall year-end result being 5.5 per cent down on the 2008/09 result.

Transwa Road Coaches: Patronage

Passenger satisfaction

The 2010 PSM shows 89 per cent of customers either satisfied or very satisfied with Transwa road coach services, down 1 per cent from 90 per cent the previous year.

Transwa Road Coaches: Level of overall customer satisfaction


Global Positioning System (GPS) devices have now been installed across the whole Transwa fleet. These devices will ensure we are able to maintain contact with all services even in isolated areas, offering improved safety and real-time performance information benefiting both Transwa and its customers.