The School Bus Services (SBS) branch is located
within the Transperth, Regional and School Bus
Division of the Public Transport Authority. It arranges
and manages the provision of transport services to
and from schools for students at regional centres
across the State and in the metropolitan area in
accordance with the requirements of Government.
This is predominantly provided using contracted
“orange” and “green” school buses around the State.
In 2004/05, SBS managed 818 school bus contracts
with a budget of $69.619 million. Transport support
organised by the SBS branch is used by some 24,000
students per school day.
At 30 June 2005, the “orange” and “green” school bus
network included 712 school buses servicing
mainstream schools and 106 school buses servicing
special education schools, centres and units.
Where a school bus service could not be provided
to eligible students by the PTA through SBS, a
Conveyance Allowance was paid, in accordance with
the Government’s student transport assistance policy. |
A range of different types of contracts/services was
used to provide student transport support, including:

The Composite Rate Model is an average cost model
which was implemented in January 2004 and provides
for contractor payments to be reviewed by an
independent review panel. |