Statement of Objectives
The objectives of the School Bus Services branch in
2004/05 were to:
- provide transport assistance for eligible students
to assist them to attend their nearest
government or non-government school offering
the appropriate year of study;
- ensure that the transport assistance provided to
students was appropriate, safe, cost-effective
and fair in its application;
- ensure that all service contracts were managed
effectively and efficiently in accordance with
agreements made between the Minister, the
PTA and individual contractors and/or their
In realising these objectives, the following were the
major achievements by SBS in 2004/05:
- computer system enhancements to allow better
management of the new school bus contracts
signed by contractors in January 2004 (affecting
701 contracts);
- update of School Bus Services policy
documentation for School Bus Services staff
and internal and external customers;
- new tendering template developed for shortterm
contracts for school bus services;
- major surveys through Data Analysis Australia
to verify the average speed of school bus
routes, fuel consumption and bus tyre life -
these surveys will continue in 2005/06;
- establishment of Composite Rate Model
(payment model) indexation process,
- establishment of the Composite Rate Model
Review process;
- development of a new Safety Management Plan
for school bus contractors;
- review of school bus routes to maximise service
delivery and efficiencies in rural Western
- review of bus routes to maximise service
delivery and efficiencies in metropolitan Perth.

The use of school bus services is measured by the
annual number of student bus service place kilometres.
This number fell in 2004/05 due to rationalisation of
school bus routes as part of the School Bus Services
Route Review Project.

Service reliability measures school bus timetable
reliability for rural mainstream services and Special
Education School Buses operating in the Per th
metropolitan area.The reliability measure is arrival less
than 10 minutes before school starts and departure
less than 10 minutes after school finishes.
It was lower in 2004/05 mainly due to unavoidable
delays in transporting students with special needs on
special education school buses.

The increase in 2004/05 is a result of the higher costs
of new Composite Rate Model school bus contract.
This was the first full year of the contract. |