Transwa operates road coach and train passenger
services to regional centres in the southern half of
Western Australia:
- Australind train services between Perth and
- Prospector train services between Perth and
- AvonLink train services between Midland and
- MerredinLink Train services between East Perth
and Merredin; and
- a comprehensive road coach network.
Statement of Objectives
Transwa’s objective is to provide customer-focused,
safe and cost-effective passenger transport services for regional Western Australia.
Key indicators of performance for Transwa in 2004/05 were:
- Services to arrive at their destinations within
the parameters set for punctuality:
- Prospector - within 15 minutes for 90 per
cent of services
- Australind - within 10 minutes for 90 per
cent of services
- AvonLink - within 10 minutes for 95 per
cent of services
- Road coaches - within 10 minutes for 95
per cent of services
- To achieve 90 per cent passenger satisfaction
across all train and road coach services.

The passenger place kilometres for Rail in 2004/05
declined by 1.8 per cent as a result of service
disruptions to the Australind during a major
resleepering project.