Following a poor response to the 2004 survey,
passenger satisfaction survey was not conducted
during 2004/05.
The total cost of operating
the regional town bus
services in 2004/05 was $10.071 million compared
with $8.861 million in the previous year, an increase of
24.3 per cent.The cost increase was primarily due to a
change in reporting gross, not net, expenditure. Fare
revenue increased by 2.9 per cent from $1.395 million
to $1.436 million.

the Future
In the coming year(s), RTBS will:
- Complete the signing of the remaining formal
regional contracts;
- Conduct or complete operational reviews
the public bus services in Broome, Busselton,
Dunsborough, Esperance and Geraldton. In
addition, the trial bus services introduced in
2004/05 will be evaluated for their success;
- Develop a regional
bus replacement program
with a view to reducing the average age of the
bus fleets in country areas and introducing
accessible buses on regional services;
- Introduce the Wayfarer
MultiRider system in
all regional towns that currently have an
inadequate ticketing system. MultiRider
equipment will become available with the
introduction of the SmartRider ticketing system
on the Transperth network during 2005/06;
- Investigate the
capacity of Transperth to take
over the remaining few RPT services that are
currently operated in the Perth metropolitan
area by RTBS-contracted operators; and
- Complete work already
commenced to define
Public Transport Areas around regional
townships and clarify where fares will be paid
by service users. Also, RTBS will continue to
assess the ability of contracted public school
bus services to pick up fare-paying passengers
in order to bring about efficiencies on the
combined contract and public school bus