The PTA’s Strategic Plan is aligned with the State Government’s Better Planning: Better Services (November 2003) strategic planning framework for the WA public sector.
The PTA identifies those strategic outcomes specified in Better Planning: Better Services that relate most closely to its own business. These strategic outcomes are reported below, along with the obligatory reporting requirements specified in the Western Australian Public Sector Annual Report Framework for 2005/06.
This section summarises the significant developments and should be read in conjunction with other information presented throughout the annual report.
Goal 1: To enhance the quality of life and wellbeing of all people throughout Western Australia.
Strategic Outcomes Relevant to the PTA
Obligatory reporting requirements relevant to the PTA
Goal 2: To develop a strong economy that delivers jobs, more opportunities and greater wealth to Western Australians by creating the conditions required for investment and growth.
Strategic Outcomes Relevant to the PTA
Goals 3: To ensure that Western Australians have an environment in which resources are managed, developed and used sustainably, biological diversity is preserved and habitats protected.
Strategic Outcomes Relevant to the PTA
Obligatory reporting requirements relevant to the PTA
Goals 4: To ensure that regional Western Australian is strong and vibrant.
Strategic Outcomes Relevant to the PTA
Obligatory reporting requirements relevant to the PTA
Goals 5: To govern for all Western Australians in an open, effective and efficient manner that also ensures a sustainable future.
Strategic Outcomes Relevant to the PTA
Obligatory reporting requirements relevant to the PTA
*The PTA’s outcomes are: