Supporting Our Community

32 Equity

The Government holds the equity interest in the PTA on behalf of the community. Equity represents the residual interest in the net assets of the PTA. The asset revaluation surplus represents that portion of equity resulting from the revaluation of the non-current assets.

Contributed equity
Balance at start of period 2,557,005 2,414,434
Contributions by owners
Capital appropriations 201,813 88,721
Transfer of net assets from other agencies
Main Roads WA 1,539 55,010
Total contributions by owners 203,352 143,731
Distributions to owners
Transfer of net assets to other agencies
Main Roads WA (250) (1,160)
Total distributions to owners (250) (1,160)
Balance at end of period 2,760,107 2,557,005
Asset revaluation surplus
Balance at start of period 1,958,313 1,951,771
Net revaluation increments/(decrements):
Land 3,856 6,542
Rail infrastructure 15,328 0
Balance at end of period 1,977,497 1,958,313
Accumulated surplus
Balance at start of period 72,860 110,825
Result for the period (62,375) (37,965)
Balance at end of period 10,485 72,860
Total Equity at end of period 4,748,089 4,588,178