Supporting Our Community

29 Provisions

Employee benefits provision
Annual leave (i) 13,198 12,363
Long service leave (ii) 12,543 11,589
Deferred salary scheme (iv) 103 112
25,844 24,064
Other provisions
Public liability provision 710 141
Workers’ compensation 9,586 5,546
Contaminated sites 3,555 3,177
Employment on-costs (iii) 2,524 2,339
16,375 11,203
42,219 35,267
Employee benefits provision
Long service leave (ii) 6,462 5,975
6,462 5,975
Other provisions
Contaminated sites 850 1,877
Employment on-costs (iii) 654 610
1,504 2,487
7,966 8,462
(i) Annual leave liabilities have been classified as current as there is no unconditional right to defer settlement for at least 12 months after the end of the reporting period. Assessments indicate that actual settlement of liabilities is expected to occur as follows:    
Within 12 months of the end of the reporting period 9,872 8,749
More than 12 months after the end of the reporting period 3,326 3,614
13,198 12,363
(ii) Long service leave liabilities have been classified as current where there is no unconditional right to defer settlement for at least 12 months after the end of the reporting period. Assessments indicate that actual settlement of the liabilities is expected to occur as follows:    
Within 12 months of the end of the reporting period 2,240 1,725
More than 12 months after the end of the reporting period 16,765 15,839
19,005 17,564

(iii) The settlement of annual and long service leave liabilities gives rise to the payment of employment on-costs including payroll tax and workers’ compensation insurance. The provision is the present value of expected future payments.

The associated expense is disclosed in note 11 “Other expenses’.


(iv) Deferred salary scheme liabilities have been classified as current where there is no unconditional right to defer settlement for at least 12 months after the end of the reporting period. Actual settlement of the liabilities is expected to occur as follows:

Within 12 months of the end of the reporting period 103 69
More than 12 months after the end of the reporting period 0 43
103 112
Movements in other provisions
Movements in each class of provisions during the financial year, other than employee benefits, are set out below.
Public liability provision
Carrying amount at start of period 141 131
Additional provisions recognised 576 59
Payments/other sacrifices of economic benefit (7) (49)
Carrying amount at end of period 710 141
Workers’ compensation provisions
Carrying amount at start of period 5,546 2,426
Additional provisions recognised 9,301 7,696
Payments/other sacrifices of economic benefit (5,261) (4,576)
Carrying amount at end of period 9,586 5,546
Employment on-cost provision
Carrying amount at start of period 2,949 1,763
Additional provisions recognised 1,636 2,309
Payments/other sacrifices of economic benefit (1,407) (1,123)
Carrying amount at end of period 3,178 2,949
Contaminated sites provision
Carrying amount at start of period 5,054 1,010
Additional provisions recognised 2,173 7,126
Payments/other sacrifices of economic benefit (2,822) (3,082)
Carrying amount at end of period 4,405 5,054