Country passenger rail and road coach services
Provision of customer focussed, safe and cost effective
passenger transport to regional communities.
Average cost per passenger kilometre
The cost per passenger kilometre measures the cost
efficiency of providing passenger services, expressed as
the cost of carrying one passenger one kilometre.
Transwa Rail

The increased cost in 2004/05 over the targets for the
year is largely due to increased maintenance costs for
the existing Prospector railcars during the delay in
commissioning the new railcars and higher than
anticipated maintenance costs associated with the new
Prospector, particularly the high cost of brake pads.
Transwa Road Coaches

The target of $0.16 did not include the full impact of
the capital user charge, which was applied to PTA for
the first time in 2004. The 2005/06 budget estimates
were adjusted to reflect an estimated indicator of
$0.21. The actual result was 5% over this target
because of higher fuel costs and an increase in labour
costs as staff transferred from workplace agreements
to award conditions. |
Regional school bus services
Provision of regional school bus transport to Western
Australian school students by the School Bus Services
Cost per 1000 student place kilometres

The increase in the actuals for 2004/05 compared to
the target for 2004/05 is as a result of higher costs of
new Composite Rate Model (CRM) contract.
Rail corridor and residual freight issues
Managing the rail freight corridor and infrastructure
leased to the private sector and associated freight
transport issues.
Total annual cost of managing the rail corridor
and residual freight issues

The cost of managing the rail corridor is lower than
budget due to lower than budgeted land rationalisation
expenditures incurred due to timing issues on several
projects. |