Transwa Road Coaches

Transwa road coach services on-time running has
been consistent and in line with targets.
Regional school bus operations
This KPI measures school bus timetable reliability for
rural mainstream services and special education school
buses operating in the metropolitan area.

The on-time running for the regional school bus
services was below the target for 2004/05 mainly due
to unavoidable delays in transporting students with
special needs on special education school buses.
Routes are continually being reviewed to improve
service reliability.
4 Level of overall customer satisfaction
The percentage of patrons that, overall, were satisfied
with the services measures the public perception of
the organisation’s performance in providing a high
quality and attractive passenger service. The measure
is derived from an extensive annual survey conducted
by independent consultants who interview a large
sample of passengers. Interviewers are assigned to
various services and transit station locations over a
four week period covering the working week and
weekend. A questionnaire is used by the interviewer
and respondents are asked to provide a wide range of
responses regarding their views on public transport
performance. The Passenger Satisfaction Monitor (PSM) survey
results provide an objective, unbiased view over time
of patrons’ overall satisfaction with the system, e.g.
safety, on-time running, courtesy of staff, service
frequency and train and station amenities. The
information is used by management to develop
strategies for improving service performance and
Metropolitan and regional passenger services
Transperth Train Operations
For the Transperth Train PSM survey 2005, a total of
800 rail patrons were surveyed. The overall sample
comprised of:
- Adults aged 18 years or over resident within the Perth metropolitan area;
- Current users of Transperth train services
(excluding school students); and
- Patrons who travel on the train at least once per fortnight.
The sample error estimates are within + or – 6% at
95% confidence level for Transperth Train Operations. 
The 2005 PSM survey shows that high customer
satisfaction targets have been achieved. |