Transwa Road Coaches

Road coach passenger numbers have increased due to
greater seating capacity in the fleet of the new Scania
coaches and effective marketing.
2 Accessible public transport
This is a new measure and comparative data for actuals
2002/03 and 2003/04 is not available.
Accessibility to public transport is measured as the
proportion of street addresses within the Perth Public
Transport Area (PPTA) which are within 500 metres of
a Transperth stop providing an acceptable level of
“Acceptable level of service” is defined as an hourly
service during the day with at least three trips (i.e. at
20-minute intervals) in the peak flow direction in the
morning and/or afternoon peak hour.
The indicator uses point street addresses from
Department of Land Information (DLI) and service
information and stop location data from the
Transperth Route Information System (TRIS).
In 2004/05, 70.6% of street addresses met the criteria
compared to a target level of 70%, demonstrating PTA
meets its accessibility standards in the Per th
metropolitan area.
3 Service reliability According to an independent survey to measure
customer satisfaction, service reliability is ranked as one
of the most significant characteristics of a quality
service. Service reliability is essentially a combination of
two main factors, punctuality and consistency.
Services are considered to be punctual if they arrive
within a limited period of time after the scheduled
arrival time.These parameters referred to as “on-time
arrival” are shown below for each operation. |
Operation |
On time arrival
parameter |
Metropolitan and regional passenger
services |
Transperth Train
Transperth Bus
Transperth Ferry |
3 minutes
4 minutes
3 minutes |
Country passenger rail and road coach
services |
Road coaches |
15 minutes
10 minutes
10 minutes
10 minutes |
Regional school bus services |
Regional school bus
services |
Drop off no less
than 10 minutes
before school starts
and pick up within
10 minutes of
school ending |
Metropolitan and regional passenger
Transperth Train Operations

On-time running delays for the metropolitan train
services were experienced as a result of speed
restrictions and line closures for the new works
associated with the New MetroRail project. |