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Better Planning: Better Services

The Economy

Goal 2: To develop a strong economy that delivers jobs, more opportunities and greater wealth to Western Australians by creating the conditions required for investment and growth.


Strategic Outcomes relevant to the PTA


Government Strategic Outcome

Applicable PTA Outcome*
Significant Developments in 2004/05
5. A workforce which reflects the State’s diverse population

Strategies were implemented in accordance with the Equity and Diversity Management Plan 2004 - 2006.

The organisation maintained its corporate objective to promote diversity and equity.

The PTA targeted recruitment at diversity groups, particularly during mass recruitment drives.

The Building Capability Workforce Planning Strategy Report 2004 - 2006 was rolled out.

8. Greater economic infrastructure that facilitates new development

The Fremantle Direct Loop will provide a direct rail connection to the container terminal on North Quay at the Fremantle Port.The loop will improve the connections to the port and improve the transfer of containers by rail.

The Kewdale Intermodal Terminal site, leased to Pacific National Ltd, is the major intermodal terminal for interstate rail freight in the metropolitan area.

The PTA, in conjunction with its lesee, Pacific National Ltd, intends to develop the Kewdale site over several years.

14. Social infrastructure such as schools, health facilities and recreational areas built and maintained to a high standard

Infrastructure produced under the New MetroRail project and the Building Better Train Stations program, as well as other projects, are built and maintained to high levels of safety, service and amenity.



The Environment

Goals 3: To ensure that Western Australia has an environment in which resources are managed, developed and used sustainably, biological diversity is preserved and habitats protected.


Strategic Outcomes relevant to the PTA


Government Strategic Outcome

Applicable PTA Outcome*
Significant Developments in 2004/05
3. Effective contributions to global efforts to reduce greenhouse emissions

The PTA’s Sustainability Action Plan was being implemented during the year.

The PTA assisted the Department for Planning and Infrastructure in its research project into hydrogen-powered buses.

Delivery continued of new (B-series) suburban railcars which are 20% more energy efficient than their predecessors.

12. High level of urban air quality

The PTA continued its program to replace diesel-fuelled Transperth buses with compressed natural gas buses.


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