Safety perceptions are an important factor in the public deciding whether to use public transport. The PTA is continuing to invest capital funds in security-related infrastructure and has increased its security staff to ensure that customers can see the tangible measures being taken to increase their safety.
Customer perceptions of safety are measured through data gathered in the Passenger Satisfaction Monitor (PSM) which distinguishes between on-train and on-bus and at stations, at night and during the day for the Transperth train and bus services.
Transperth Train Services

The daytime results for the 2006/07 were close to targets.

The on-stations and on-board at night time results for 2006/07 PSM were lower than target and the previous year's results.
The PSM reported that a higher proportion of rail patrons, compared to that of the previous year, perceived security to have improved and that Transperth was perceived to be 'doing something' to address security concerns.
Transperth Bus Services

The 2006/07 PSM survey showed that customer perceptions of safety during the daytime at bus stations and interchanges remained high at 95% (which was on target) and on-board buses at 98% (slightly below target) respectively.

The night-time result for bus stations/interchanges was above target. 68% of respondents indicated they 'always or usually feel safe' at that time, compared to 66% the previous year. This improvement was attributed to the increased security personnel at bus stations. However, 30% of respondents indicated that they 'don't feel very safe' at that time as compared with 27% the previous year.
There was a significant improvement in the perception of safety on-board buses at night-time - 83% of users indicated they 'always or usually feel safe' as compared to 78% the previous year.
Transperth had taken a number of measures to address the security concerns including an increase in the security personnel at bus stations/interchanges which may explain the significant improvement in 2006/07 result.