The percentage of patrons who, overall, were satisfied with the services measures the public perception of the organisation’s performance in providing a high-quality and attractive public transport service.
The measure for Transperth services is derived from an extensive annual survey conducted by independent pollsters. The survey, known as the ‘Passenger Satisfaction Monitor’ (PSM), provides an objective, unbiased view over time of patrons’ overall satisfaction with the system, e.g. safety, on-time running, courtesy of staff, service frequency and station amenities. The information is used by Transperth to develop strategies for improving service performance and infrastructure.
The pollsters interview a large sample of passengers. Interviewers are assigned to various services and transit station locations over a four week period covering the working week and weekend. This is the most comprehensive public transport survey of passengers in Australia.
Transperth Train Services
For the rail PSM, a total of 800 rail patrons were surveyed. The overall sample comprised of:
- Adults aged 18 years or over resident within the Perth Metropolitan area;
- Current users of Transperth train services (excluding school students); and
- Patrons who travel on trains at least once per fortnight.
The sample error estimates were within + or - 6% at the 95% confidence level.

The results for 2006/07 showed that there was some dissatisfaction expressed by respondents due to the trains being overcrowded during peak periods and not being on time. The overall rate of satisfaction was 87%.
Transperth Bus Services
For the Transperth bus PSM, a total of 3,064 bus patrons were surveyed. The overall sample comprised of:
- Adults aged 18 years or over resident within the Perth Bus Contract region;
- Current users of Transperth bus services (excluding school students); and
- Patrons who travel on bus at least once per fortnight.
The sample error estimates were within + or - 2 to 3% at the 95% confidence level.

The results showed that the number of users who expressed overall satisfaction with Transperth bus operations increased from 80% in 2005/06 to 81% in 2006/07.
However, the target of 82% was not achieved due to one contract area, Morley, recording a significantly lower level of satisfaction (70% in 2006/07 compared to 75% in 2005/06) and a significantly higher level of dissatisfaction (25% as compared to 19%) which affected the overall average result.
Transperth Ferry Services
For the ferry PSM, a total of 202 ferry patrons were surveyed. The overall sample comprised of:
- Adults aged 18 years or over resident within the Perth Metropolitan area; and
- Patrons who were users of Transperth Ferry services and used it more than once a fortnight for Perth residents and whilst visiting for non-resident visitors to Perth. School students were excluded from the sample.
The sample error estimates were within + or -10% at the 95% confidence level.

The results showed that, overall customers were highly satisfied with the service.
Transwa Train and Road Coach Services
An independent passenger satisfaction survey is undertaken annually for each service: Australind, Prospector, Avonlink, MerredinLink and Road Coaches.
In 2007, a total of 936 country services patrons were surveyed via a self-completion questionnaire. The sample error estimates were within + or – 3 to 5% at the 95% confidence level.

In 2006/07, overall satisfaction with country passenger services increased slightly to 89%, compared to 88% in 2005/06, with 46% of passengers indicating they were very satisfied and 43% satisfied.