Lost time injury
The lost time injury ratio indicates the time lost as a
result of work injuries for every million hours worked.

The results for 2004/05 show improvement over
2003/04 primarily due to a decrease in the lost time
injuries in the transit guard area, attributed to
improved safety awareness and work environment as
well as improved injury management practices.
Country passenger rail and road coach
Cost per 1000 place kilometres
The cost efficiency of providing the service per place
kilometres is measured using the cost per 1000 place
Transwa Rail

The increase in the cost per 1000 place kilometres for
Transwa rail operations is due to:
- Additional maintenance costs due to having to
keep the old Prospectors in service as a back-up
to the new Prospectors, which were initially
- Decrease in place kilometres because of less
service runs due to the problems with the new
Prospector railcars and the resleepering program
along the Bunbury to Perth line.
Transwa Road Coaches

The increase in the average cost per passenger in
2004/05 compared to the target for 2004/05 is as a
result of unforseen labour cost incurred during the
year as a result of transferring staff to different awards.
This involved a shift from the Work Place Agreements
(WPA) to the Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA).