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Transwa total expenditure increased by 5.6 per cent compared with the previous year, to $41.1 million. Maintenance, fuel costs and labour costs contributed to this increase (see the performance indicators for cost per passenger kilometre for more details).


Service Information

Transwa rail services had a significant year, with the introduction of a third new Prospector train, the delivery of a new train for the AvonLink service and the opening of a new railcar maintenance depot at Kewdale.

Unfortunately, these successes were tempered by teething problems with the new Prospector and new AvonLink railcars as well as the lengthy disruption to the Australind service caused by track upgrading work on the railway line between Mundijong and Bunbury by the track lessee WestNet Rail. However, as the result of a concerted effort, many of the problems with the Prospector were overcome by the end of the year. The on-time running performance of the Australind will benefit from the upgraded track in 2005/06.

Transwa road coach operations continued to provide a high level of service, with excellent on-time running performance and a high level of amenity provided by the new fleet of five-star coaches. The increased revenue from these services was a reflection of the strong patronage figures achieved in 2004/05.

In the Future

While Transwa will continue to ensure that services are delivered safely and cost-efficiently, it will increasingly focus on delivering a high level of customer service.

To ensure it understands customer requirements Transwa commenced detailed market research during 2004/05, the results of which will be used to guide informed service delivery.

Work will continue on reviewing services around the State to ensure that appropriate changes are made as the requirements of customers change.

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