Ferry patronage has declined steadily
since 2000/01
when it reached a peak of 469,000 fare-paying
boardings and 558,000 total boardings. By the end of
2004/05, fare-paying boardings had fallen to 369,000
and total boardings to 460,000. This is largely
attributable to declining tourism.
On a per kilometre basis,
fare-paying boardings fell by
0.5 per cent from 10.520 in 2003/04 to 10.470 in
2004/05, and total boardings fell 0.7 per cent from
13.146 to 13.057. In 2000/01, fare-paying boardings
per service kilometre were 13.303 and total boardings
per service kilometre were 15.824 boardings.

Customer Satisfaction
The Passenger Satisfaction
Monitor 2005 continued
the trend of a very high proportion of passengers
consistently expressing satisfaction with Transperth’s
ferry service overall.

ratings for key service characteristics of
Transperth’s ferry service (other than passenger
safety) are shown below:

Passenger Safety
The graph below shows the proportion of
respondents who “always or usually feel safe” at
specified times/locations. The responses were to the
following prompt in the Transperth Passenger
Satisfaction Monitor: “How safe do you generally feel
from personal interference or threat from other
The results for the past five years show
that almost all
ferry passengers generally felt safe on the ferry and at
jetties during daytime.While the proportion of users
who generally felt safe at night both on board and at
jetties remained high, there was a marked decline in
2004. This was reversed in 2005.
