service reliability target for Transperth bus
services requires buses to arrive at, or depart from a
terminus or timing point no later than four minutes
from the scheduled time. Performance is monitored
by Transperth’s Service Performance Unit through
regular audits at key locations. The proportion of bus
services meeting the reliability target was 92.9 per
cent in 2002/03 and 92.8 per cent in 2003/04. In
2004/05, despite the disruption to traffic flow caused
by road works associated with the Southern Suburbs
Railway, improved traffic management schemes and
timetable adjustments helped to ensure that 91.5 per
cent of services met the service reliability target.
Cost of
the Service
The total cost of $225 million for 2004/05 was
6.1 per
cent higher than the previous year - see the
Performance Indicators section of this Annual Report
(cost per passenger kilometre) for details.
For the sixth year in succession, Transperth’s
services experienced patronage growth. In 2004/05
fare-paying boardings rose 2.0 per cent from 36.284
million to 37.0 million and total boardings by 4.9 per
cent from 58.998 million to 61.873 million.
Between 1998/99
(the first full year when all bus
services were operated by contractors) and 2004/05,
bus patronage increased as follows:
- fare-paying boardings by 27.9 per cent
28.929 million to 37.0 million; and
- total boardings by 38.6
per cent from 44.647
million 61.9 million
On a per service kilometre basis, fare-paying
on bus services increased by 0.5 per cent from 0.758
in 2003/04 to 0.762 in 2004/05 and total boardings by
3.4 per cent from 1.232 to1.274.

The Passenger Satisfaction Monitor 2005 showed
a relatively high proportion of users were satisfied with
the bus system overall. Despite the disruption to some
services caused by road works associated with the
Southern Suburbs Railway, the satisfaction rate was
maintained at 82 per cent, the same rate as in 2004.

Satisfaction ratings for key service characteristics of
Transperth’s bus services (other than passenger safety)
