The SmartRider ticketing system was successfully implemented in March 2007, making the PTA the first public transport authority in Australia to use smartcard technology for ticketing purposes. An extensive press, outdoor, on-line, radio and television marketing campaign was conducted to provide the public with comprehensive information about the new system.
The SmartRider system uses a credit card-sized
plastic card
containing an embedded microchip
and antenna. Passengers’ fares are deducted from
the stored value on the cards as they tag-on
and tag-off the system. Passengers no longer
need to buy multiple zonal tickets for trips of
varying length to different parts of the Transperth
network. SmartRider provides more convenient
ticketing for passengers and, as an additional
benefit, it provides valuable planning information
on travel patterns, patronage and demand, which
enables Transperth to serve the community more
Following the control group trial which commenced in October 2005, SmartRider was issued to seniors, who became the first regular users of the new ticketing system. In September 2006, the student MultiRider, which was used by primary and secondary school students for travel during the school year at the special student fare, was replaced by the student SmartRider. The SmartRider became available to all Transperth patrons on 14 January 2007. Patrons could still use MultiRiders, however the sale of these tickets at existing outlets ceased on 31 January 2007. From 1 February 2007, MultiRiders were available only from SmartRider retail outlets. The MultiRider was withdrawn from sale on 4 March 2007. The validation of MultiRiders ceased on 8 April 2007 and users were allowed to transfer unused value to a SmartRider.
In July 2006, cash tickets accounted for 48.2% of system-wide fare-paying boardings, MultiRider for 47.7% and SmartRider (used by seniors) for 4.1%. By March 2007, the proportions had changed to cash 46.0%, MultiRider 10.9%, and SmartRider 43.1%. The share of SmartRider in total fare-paying boardings increased to 57.7% in June 2007 while cash tickets accounted for 42.3%.