- Public transport boardings on the Transperth system continued to record excellent growth. Total boardings increased 18.4 per cent to 128.784 million, while fare-paying boardings rose 12.1 per cent to 76.467 million.
- On 4 April 2009, WA seniors, aged and disability pensioners were allowed free travel on weekdays from 9am to 3.30pm and all day Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. During the first three months, this resulted in approximately 1.6 million boardings.
- The installation of the Recording and Passenger Information Dissemination (RAPID) system on all A-series trains was completed. RAPID increases the number of railcar security cameras, provides passenger information displays in railcars, bright LED destination indicators and improved message announcements.
- The PTA took delivery of the first nine railcars (three 3-car sets) of the 45 B-series railcars on order. As a result, timetables for the Joondalup, Mandurah, Midland and Fremantle lines were amended from 28 June 2009.
- Transperth bus service improvements during the year included - the introduction of Route 79 (linking Wellington Street Bus Station (WSBS) and QEII - via the Esplanade Busport and UWA), Route 407 (linking Glendalough Station and the Herdsman Business Park) and improved evening peak and peak shoulder services on local feeder buses serving the Joondalup Line.
- On 3 May 2009, a new Transperth ferry - the MV Phillip Pendal - commenced service. The new vessel replaced the MV Countess II and becomes Transperth's primary vessel.
To the Hon. Simon O’Brien MLC Minister for Transport
In accordance with Section 61 of the Financial Management Act 2006, I submit for your information and presentation to Parliament the Annual Report of the Public Transport Authority of Western Australia for the year ended 30 June 2009. The report has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Management Act 2006.
Reece Waldock
Chief Executive Officer